a look through childhood
Childhood. History. Mourning.Abstract
Unaccustomed to the audacity and inventiveness of childhood, a hegemonic and occidental conception of humanity created spaces to tame of drive it away. This essay draws on the connection Walter Benjamin uses to childhood, as well as traversing the writings that delineate the distance that separates us from the art of storytelling. These images offer us the drawings of an inventive memory facing the imminence of genocide and destruction of nature. In moments where portions of the end of the world present themselves, experiencing a world guided by the inventive relationship of childhood with the visible and the invisible, would lead us to the possibility of elaborating death and the past – calling our attention to a kind of spiritual ethics, with us and with those we lost. This movement can offer us a more welcoming way to elaborate the paths of life and the arrival of death, recognizing and telling new and old stories.
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