a debate with Seyla Benhabib





Judith Butler. Seyla Benhabib. Subjectivity. Agency. Emancipation.


In this paper, I return to the debate between Judith Butler and Seyla Benhabib about the Subject that occurred in the 90s. This debate arises, in part, as a reaction to Butler’s theses in Gender Trouble in which the author radically questions categories previously considered central to feminist analysis. Butler follows the Foucaultian criticism of the modern subject and denies the "women" identity as a necessary foundation for feminist political action. Seyla Benhabib, for her part, identifies some of her criticisms as posing a risk to the emancipatory goals that feminism aims to achieve. Instead of a break with modernity, Benhabib proposes a reformulation. At the core of this disagreement, there are different ways of conceptualizing subjectivity and politics.


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Author Biography

Amanda Soares de Melo, Universidade Federal do ABC

Bacharel em Ciências e Humanidades (2018) e em Filosofia (2021) pela UFABC. Mestre pela mesma instituição (2021) com bolsa de pesquisa institucional sobre o debate de gênero e identidade em Judith Butler e Iris Young. É membro dos grupos de pesquisa "Teoria Crítica e Filosofia Política" (UFABC), "Teoria Crítica e Feminismo: Economia, Cultura e normatividade" (UNICAMP) e membro da Rede Brasileira de Mulheres Filósofas.


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How to Cite

Soares de Melo, A. (2021). JUDITH BUTLER AND "THE SUBJECT ISSUE" IN FEMINISM : a debate with Seyla Benhabib. PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 10(19), 237–257. https://doi.org/10.26512/pl.v10i19.34617


