the concept of Hegelian property as the cornerstone of his liberalism
Liberal. Property. Freedom. Hegel. Locke.Abstract
This article aims to discuss the possibility of the Hegelian property concept to insert Hegel's political theory (1770-1831) into the modern liberal tradition. The article is divided into four parts. The first part seeks to present the problem to the voter and shed light on the key categories for understanding the ongoing debate. The second part of the article presented the concept of property in John Locke (1632-1704), considered the father of modern liberalism. In the third section of the work, Hegel's conception of property is analyzed. In the section called property as the basis of liberalism in Locke and Hegel, the doctrines are compared. In this part of the work, the similarities between the two theories are analyzed. After analyzing the similarities between the two conceptions, it can be concluded that there are enough similarities between the theories to affirm at least about the category of property the Hegelian philosophy is inserted in the modern liberal tradition.
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