Ä€tman. Brahman. Ontology. Reality. Consciousness.Abstract
This work aims to explain how the articulation and, henceforth, identification between two conceptual realities ”“ brahman and ãtman ”“, constitute the basis of the philosophical idealism of the Brahmanic tradition, insofar as it establishes a unique foundation to any and all phenomenal multiplicity that presents to the sensory testimony. The material epicenter of the investigation is precisely in the Upaniá¹£adic Treaties, where the development of the ãtman theory receives a philosophical injection which results in the establishment of a privileged communication between the essential part (ãtman) of the human being and his absolute foundation (brahman). In short, it is intended to investigate the extent to which Upaniá¹£adic thinkers have dealt with the spiritual heritage of their predecessors.
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