Choice of paradigma. Subjectivity. Objectivity.Abstract
In his work, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn analyses how a scientific revolution takes place. He highlights that in this process, the persuasion and conversion of a scientific community to a new paradigm occurs, situation in which the empiric proof is not the only thing taken into consideration. If the scientist embraces a new paradigm led by persuasion and not by proof, how could we allege that his choice is objective? In the first section of this article, we discuss the typical stages of the scientific development of Kuhn, aiming to identify, in the history of the philosopher analysis, in which moment this problematic emerges. In the second section, we analyze how the scientists choose between competing paradigms. In the third section, we explore the question of the scientific objectivity. The hypothesis of our work is that, for Kuhn, it is possible to declare that objectivity exists in the paradigm shift, as it acquires a new meaning attached to the efficiency on the solution of paradigm issues.
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