
  • Joelice Francisco Maia Universidade de Brasília- UnB
  • Henrique Cesar Estevan Ballestero Ciência é 10, Universidade de Brasília
  • Alessandra Ferreira Albernaz Instituto de Física, Universidade de Brasília
  • Carla Neves do Nascimento Ciência é 10, Universidade de Brasília


Science teaching by investigation. Investigative method. Pedagogical theory and practice. Electromagnetic waves.


The present research refers to the theory and practice of teaching by investigation, and its theme is electromagnetic waves. The methodology was applied through investigative Physics classes that dealt with the content of electromagnetic waves, with experimental activities in UnB's Moodle (Workshop), and the target audience were students from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades of High School from several schools. public in the state of Goiás. This application aimed to improve the pedagogical practice, making it possible to improve the student's teaching-learning performance. For this, field research was carried out with a qualitative approach of an applied nature and of an exploratory nature. We conclude that investigative activities favor the construction of significant learning by high school students around the subject of electromagnetic waves, a subject that is present in their daily lives. The theoretical foundation was based on the assumptions of Carvalho (2013, 2018) in the aspect of the research approach, and David Ausubel with his theoretical and methodological foundations of pedagogical practice, and the meaningful learning of students.


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How to Cite

Francisco Maia, J., Estevan Ballestero , H. C., Ferreira Albernaz , A. ., & Neves do Nascimento , C. (2022). RESEARCH FOR SCIENCE TEACHING: HOW TO BLOCK AN ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE?. Physicae Organum, 8(1), 150–162. Retrieved from



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