
  • Henrique de Medeiros Clementino Curso de Especialização lato sensu em Ensino de Ciências – Ciência é Dez!, Universidade de Brasília
  • Darlan Quinta de Brito Curso de Especialização lato sensu em Ensino de Ciências – Ciência é Dez!, Universidade de Brasília
  • Ingrid de Sousa Rodrigues Duarte Curso de Especialização lato sensu em Ensino de Ciências – Ciência é Dez!, Universidade de Brasília


Astronomy. Flat Earth. Inquiry-based Teaching. Elementary School


The antiscience narratives have spread lately in different media. The flat-earth movement, one of these narratives, is a conspiracy and negationist movement that has been organized and spread in virtual environment, and their main characteristics are the science negationism and the attack on science education. The Brazilian national curriculum and the curriculum of Distrito Federal predicts the study of the Earth’s shape and the scientific evidences that proves the geoid shape in elementary school. In this context, this research analyzed the application of an investigative teaching sequence with 6th grade students of a public elementary school in Distrito Federal - Brazil with the goal of investigating the evidence of the Earth’s shape and illustrating them through the elaboration of didactic models. Although most students (80%) consider the Earth's shape spherical, most of them couldn’t justify it (65%) before the investigative sequence. Despite the limitations due from the Covid-19 pandemic in the educational context, the students produced didactic models with accessible supplies to illustrate the scientific evidences of the Earth’s shape previously investigated and discussed in class.They were also able to identify evidences from the geoid shape of Earth and the contradictions of the flat-earth movement. Therefore, this investigative teaching sequence proved to be an important didactic strategy to investigate Earth’s shape in the school environment through the development of argumentative practices that deconstructs scientific denialism, minimizing its damage to society as a final social practice.

Keywords: Astronomy. Flat Earth. Inquiry-based Teaching. Elementary School


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How to Cite

de Medeiros Clementino, H., Quinta de Brito, D., & de Sousa Rodrigues Duarte, I. (2022). EARTH’S SHAPE: AN INVESTIGATIVE TEACHING ABOUT EVIDENCES OF THE SPHERICITY OF THE EARTH WITH STUDENTS FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL . Physicae Organum, 8(1), 309–331. Retrieved from



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