O contato do português com as línguas indígenas brasileiras: Considerações sobre o desenvolvimento de L2


  • Jaqueline dos Santos Peixoto Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Contato linguístico, línguas indígenas, português do Brasil, educação indígena, segunda língua.


Our aim in this article is to tell a part of the history of Brazilian Portuguese from the contact with national indigenous languages. In order to achieve this objective, we seek works that deal with the real presence of grammatical and sound characteristics of indigenous peoples' languages in the Portuguese spoken by the countries of these peoples. The interference of native grammars of indigenous peoples is discussed based on consonant and vocal sound properties of Portuguese Ticuna (BONIFÁCIO, 2019); consonant properties Kamaiurá (SILVA E SILVA, 1985); grammatical properties of the subsystems of the number inflection of the name and the inflection of the first and third person plural in the verb of the Xinguano Portuguese (EMMERICH, 1987); and grammatical characteristics of the gender expression in Portuguese Huni Kuin (CHRISTINO, 2015). We argue that understanding linguistic knowledge responsible for producing characteristics of Portuguese contact with Brazilian indigenous languages can clarify the effects caused in the multilingualism / multilingualism process of indigenous peoples, and help to deal with the challenges of indigenous school education. To explain linguistic behavior and show how it supports the resources of the Faculty of Language we seek the concept of interlanguage (SELINKER, 1972). Based on this concept, the beginning of the L2 knowledge process would be marked by the presence of native grammar and data from the second language. This entire process would be restricted by the general and abstract properties of human language (WHITE, 2003). Thus, we will seek to demonstrate how native grammars structures contact Portuguese.We intend with recognition of this structuring to rescue of the participation of the language and culture of the native peoples of Brazilian society, and a promotion of their decolonization process.


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How to Cite

dos Santos Peixoto, J. (2020). O contato do português com as línguas indígenas brasileiras: Considerações sobre o desenvolvimento de L2. Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 12(1), 37–64. https://doi.org/10.26512/rbla.v12i1.29723


