La posesión externa en Mazahua


  • Armando Mora-Bustos Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana



Mazahua. Dative. External possession. Direct object. Indirect object.


The constructions of external possession in mazahua are coded as dative suffix; these structures behave syntactically as indirect object. The features under which presents the construction of external possession are: the nominal phrase that expresses the relationship possessed-possessor bears a mark of possession and basically this sentence appear in postverbal position. The possessed entity is semantically very wide, i.e. relations part all, kinship relationships and possessions in general, such as food, clothing, money, animals, housing, labor, musical instruments and crops. The possessor is an animate entity and may appear in first, second and third person. The states of things expressed in constructions code activities, achievements, accomplishments that usually can or cannot affect the patient. External possession is not coded with locative complements and state verbs. The event should not be reflexive and the subject is not cross-referenced with possessed NP.


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How to Cite

Mora-Bustos, A. (2018). La posesión externa en Mazahua. Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 7(2).


