Orality and ethnic identity: the Quilombola community of Ong, municipality of Carnaubeira da Penha (PE)
Quilombolas, Roberts, Anthropological Report.Abstract
This text aims to show the quilombola community of Ong, Carnaubeira da Penha, Pernambuco state that, even after its certification by the Palmares Cultural Foundation on 08 March 2005, still face difficulty in obtaining social recognition and academic. The textual basis of this article is the anthropological Report of identification of this community developed in the framework of the Integration Project of the São Francisco River. Here we analyze the anthropological report of Ong aiming to contribute to the academic knowledge of social reality. The methodological approach was integrated by bibliographic research-documentary and field research; which consisted of various meetings, initials, with the community, in the interviews (recorded in digital file) and many fotos. The theoretical debate about memory, orality, invisibility, quilombo and ethnicity directs this analysis. If it concludes that the adoption of the quilombola category among the inhabitants of the Ong is recent; however, fragile. The statement to be Afro-Brazilian or not based on black ancestry, and at the present moment - in which the territory is neighbor of indigenous communities (which has a more significant political advantages) this is reconsidered.
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