Afrobrazilian Geography: Space References Of Secular Structural-Institutional Racism In Official Governance


  • Rafael Sanzio


References from cartographic and photographic languages from a historiographic, geopolitical and geolaw perspective were used in this paper to express fundamental aspects of Afrobrazilian Geography, revealing different territorialities in space and time. This is because there is an unacknowledged secular coexistence, governed by a geography of non-existence, based on the hostility of the theme, the omission of information, and official errors and mistakes, which function as basic State strategies for maintaining the conservative, oligarchic dominant system, segregating, and prejudiced. The decreasing prestige of Geography and Cartography in power structures; the fragmented model when dealing with the country’s secular and pending territorial demands; and the maintenance of the dominant racist social thinking, with regard to African matrices in the territory and of the Brazilian people, constitute basic obstacles to the effective implementation of permanent, constant, and articulated public and private policies in Brazil. In this paper, we seek to help expand knowledge about the conflicting geographic references of contemporary African Brazil and present other elements for understanding the spatial configurations and governance of Afrobrazilian territories, at constant risk and without a defined place in the nation.


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How to Cite

Sanzio, R. (2022). Afrobrazilian Geography: Space References Of Secular Structural-Institutional Racism In Official Governance. Eletronic Journal Geobaobas, 5(1). Retrieved from