The distribution of the sensible in contexts of exclusion: reflections on Afro-feminine writing in contemporary times
distribution of the sensible; politics of writing; afro-feminine literature; intersectionalityAbstract
The article aims to reflect on Afro-feminine writing based on the notion of the distribution of the sensible (Rancière, 1995; 2005) and to evaluate its role as a symbolic art of resistance in contexts marked by coloniality (Quijano, 2005; Lugones, 2008; Mignolo, 2017) and their interlacement of hierarchies and exclusions (Grosfoguel, 2009). We engage in dialogue with authors such as Lélia Gonzalez (1982), Glória Anzaldúa (2000), Vera Soares (2000), Conceição Evaristo (2005), Angela Davis (2016), Patricia Hill Collins (2016), Grada Kilomba (2019) and Sueli Carneiro (2019) to answer the following question: how does Afro-feminine writing affect the distribution of the sensible, and what is the insurgent potential of this incision? For this, after an introduction on the relationship between writing and politics proposed in the concept of distribution of the sensible, we organize the discussion around five themes: 1. Coloniality, hetero-hierarchy and intersectionality; 2. Dreaming about the difference; 3. Writing and insurgency; 4. Incisions in sharing; and 5. Inhabiting absences. At the end of the developed reflections, we consider that this potential rests on the imperative and definitive character of reconfiguration that Afro-feminine writing provokes in the sensitive dimension of the community.
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