Migrants and refugees in Mohamed: um menino afegão, by Fernando Vaz





Brazilian young adult literature, immigration, belonging


Because young adult literature is geared towards a specific audience made up of young readers, it plays an important role in the reflection on human mobility in the contemporary world and the impasses that arise from the need to live together. Mohamed: um menino afegão, by Fernando Vaz (2002), tells the story of a Muslim boy living through the war in Afghanistan. Through analysis of the narrative, this article aims to show how Vaz’s book presents compositional strategies that provide the reader with both empathy for and estrangement from the culture of the other. As such, we engage with the considerations of Maria Zilda Cury (2006), Fanny Mahy (2016), Zygmunt Bauman (2017), among others.


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CURY, Maria Zilda Ferreira (2006). Uma luz na escuridão: imigração e memória. In: VAZ, Artur Emílio Alarcon; BAUMGARTEM, Carlos Alexandre; CURY, Maria Zilda Ferreira (Org.). Literatura e imigrantes: sonhos em movimento. Belo Horizonte: Faculdade de Letras da UFMG - POS-LIT; Rio Grande: Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras: História da literatura. p. 9-34.
MAHY, Fanny (2016). L’immigration dans la littérature jeunesse. Vers une compréhension du monde dans lequel on vit. @nalyses ”“ Revue des Littératures Franco-Canadiennes et Québécoise, Ottawa, v. 11, n. 2, printemps-été. Disponível em: https://bit.ly/2m62ORn Acesso em: 26 fev. 2019.
RESENDE, Beatriz (2014). Possibilidades da escrita literária no Brasil. In: RESENDE, Beatriz; FINAZZI-AGRÓ, Ettore (Org.). Possibilidades da nova escrita literária no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Revan. p. 9-24.
VAZ, Fernando (2002). Mohamed: um menino afegão. São Paulo: FTD.
ZYGMUNT, Bauman (2004). Estranhos à nossa porta. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar.



How to Cite

Cruvinel, L. W. ., & Cunha, A. F. de M. . (2019). Migrants and refugees in Mohamed: um menino afegão, by Fernando Vaz. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (58), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1590/2316-4018586