Padrões Epidemiológicos e Espaciais da Mortalidade Infantil antes e durante a Pandemia pela Covid-19
Saúde Materno-Infantil, Análise Espacial., Estudos Ecológicos., Vigilância em Saúde.Abstract
Objective: To analyze the epidemiological and spatial patterns of infant mortality in Pernambuco from 2017 to 2022, before and during the covid-19 pandemic. Method: Ecological study, using municipalities as the unit of spatial analysis. The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the Mortality Information System, and the Live Birth Information System provided the data. Three year periods worth of data were analyzed: pre-pandemic 2017–2019 and pandemic 2020–2022. Scan statistics were used for spatial analysis. Results: 9,609 infant deaths were recorded, 4,993 (52%) in the first three-year period and 4,616 (48%) in the second three-year period. Of the total, 5,231 (55.1%) were male, 6,914 (77.2%) were black, 5,766 (66.2%) were underweight. Regarding the mothers, 7,052 (79.5%) were 20 years old or over and 5,786 (67.4%) had eight or more years of education. The spatial analysis revealed the presence of two clusters in the pre-pandemic period in the macro-regions Vale do São Francisco and Araripe, Agreste and Sertão and, during the pandemic period, one cluster in the Vale do São Francisco and Araripe. Conclusion: The profile and identification of clusters can contribute to directing programs and strategies to improve health care and surveillance, aimed at the maternal and child population.
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