
  • Guilherme Felix Machado Filho Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da UFRJ Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 274 - Bloco I, sala 19, CEP: 21941-916 - Brasil



espaço político, política urbana, movimentos políticos urbanos


In view of the urbanization process, the city, as an urban spatial form, does not follow strictly the set of urban needs, but is part of objectives that are not general, but set by those who have greater social, economic and political strength. In view of this, the present article aims to analyze how urban spaces can be transformed and are used as spaces of contestation by urban political movements. In view of the different approaches to urbanization, it was concluded that the changes undertaken in the city by urban policies, in the wake of the urbanization process, may, collaterally to the intended interests, create conditions for the emergence of protest movements arising from social problems - and urban - raised or incorporated into these actions and that urban spaces, especially those formed by streets and squares, are appropriated by urban political movements and transformed into political instruments of contestation. Keywords: political space; urban policy; urban political movements


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How to Cite

Felix Machado Filho, G. (2022). THE CITY AND ITS SPACES OF CONTESTATION. Space and Geography Journal, 23(2), 180–196.


