Urban mobility, Bus, Transport, UberAbstract
This article is an excerpt from the master’s thesis titled “Urban Mobility in a city in the valley of the Paraíba Paulista: Refl ections of Uber Transport” in the conclusive phase of the master’s degree in human development, which had as one of its objectives to analyze If public transport by bus in São José dos Campos/SP, presented falls in the number of passengers as a refl ection of the performance of Uber in the city since its implantation in mid-november 2016. In this article we analyze the refl ection of Uber in this transport modal considering that the city had until the moment of the implementation of Uber, a large fl eet. The longitudinal analyses of the data were based on the passenger tickets that pay the fares with cash in kind directly to the collector, the other passengers and the rates of adjustments of tariff s, of the 383 urban buses active in the city, during the period from january 2016 to December 2018. In the results were found trends of bus passenger migrations to Uber shortly after the start of their activities in the city, characterizing a refl ection. The trend evidenced raises concern, taking into account the urban mobility that is aff ected by the change in the behavior of the users of the collective transport for individual transport.
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