
  • Daniela Conceição Oliveira Teles Laboratório de Geoiconografi a e Multimídias (LAGIM) Departamento de Geografi a, Universidade de Brasília (GEA/UnB)
  • Mateus Jesus Nunes Laboratório de Geoiconografi a e Multimídias (LAGIM) Departamento de Geografi a, Universidade de Brasília (GEA/UnB)
  • Gabriella Emilly Pessoa Laboratório de Geoiconografi a e Multimídias (LAGIM) Departamento de Geografi a, Universidade de Brasília (GEA/UnB)


employment, hotel business, Center-West, geographical analysis, touristic activity


Tourism is one of the human activities that exercise a great impact on the environment, causing signifi cant spatial modifi cation. These spatial modifi cations are one of Geography’s subjects of analysis. This science, since the beginning, aims to comprehend the way that space organizes itself; the complexity of the relations that occur in it; and the constant resignifi cation of geographical space, fruit from relational dynamics. In tourism’s scope, Geography has a wide and essential analysis: it involves the identifi cation and observation of mechanisms that will interfere with the tourism planning and actions, such as viability of touristic activities, potential regions selection and even the elaboration of touristic products based on predetermined attractions. In the light of this conception and understanding the role of Geography, the goal of this research is to identify economical and spatial parameters between Tourism and Employability based on Atividade Característica do Turismo (ACT) Hospitality regarding the occupations related to some functions/sub-activities inherent to the Hotel Business. The information about the Hotel Business and the Brazilian Occupation Code was collected from offi cial and public agencies, institutions, and also from the database called RAIS/CAGED. The chosen years for this research were 2010, 2015, and 2018 in the Center-West region of Brazil. The results show how the national macroeconomics can aff ect the Hotel Business employment and unemployment of the Center West: the admission and resignation rates were unaff ected by the Brazilian economic crisis in cities focused on the Business sector, while touristic cities were aff ected by the national economic crisis.


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How to Cite

Oliveira Teles, D. C. ., Jesus Nunes , M. ., & Pessoa, G. E. . (2022). GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS OF TOURIST SUBACTIVITIES OF THE HOSPITALITY IN THE CENTER-WEST OF BRAZIL. Space and Geography Journal, 22(1), 221–247. Retrieved from


