
  • Sílvia Maria Varela de Souza Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Monika Richter Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF Departamento de Geografi a e Políticas Públicas - UFF Instituto de Educação de Angra dos Reis - IEAR
  • Alexander Josef Sá Tobias da Costa Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


protected area, biological reserve, water resources, environmental services


Due to the current consumption lifestyle and the lack of public infrastructure such as basic sanitation, natural resources are suff ering great negative impacts, especially water. One of the strategies for conserving water resources to maintain their quality and quantity is, in addition to the Forest Code and the Water Law, the creation of conservation units (UC), especially those that are fully protected, since they do not allow direct use resources. In this context, the objective of this study seeks to contextualize Rebio Tinguá, to highlight the relevance of the environmental water service promoted in the Baixada Fluminense region, as well as to analyze aspects related to the Payment for the Environmental Service (PSA) for water production as fi nancial compensation for the service provided. , which can become a signifi cant alternative source of funds considering the lack of investments that most UCs currently receive. This is an exploratory research, in which diff erent sources of consultation were used, including articles and scientifi c texts. Field research was also carried out on the water abstractions existing within the unit, aiming at recognition, photographic records, location and various notes. The results show that the history of the Serra do Tinguá is directly related to its waters. The region has been protected since 1880, the time of the Empire, due to its springs that have already supplied the nobility of the city of Rio de Janeiro. In 1941 it was declared the Union’s Protective Forest and in 1989 it became a Biological Reserve (REBIO). Currently, REBIO do Tinguá has 31 active water withdrawals managed by CEDAE within the unit, producing quality water, in quantity, which supplies a good part of the population of the Baixada Fluminense. It is concluded that even if this resource is for human supply, the capture and distribution must take place in accordance with the SNUC Law and the National Water Resources Policy, Law 9433/1997. The granting of the concession took place without the opinion and consent of the Unit, and there should be compensation for this environmental service promoted by the existing forest and protected as REBIO, as provided for in article 47 of the SNUC.


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How to Cite

Varela de Souza, S. M., Richter, M. ., & Sá Tobias da Costa, A. J. . (2022). PROTECTED AREA, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AND PAYMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: AN ANALYSIS FROM REBIO TINGUA. Space and Geography Journal, 22(1), 189–220. Retrieved from


