
  • Wilson Aparecido Paschoal Graduado em Geografi a - UEL Pós-graduando em Ensino e Tecnologia - UTFPR Membro Grupo de Pesquisa Fenomenologia Geográfi ca - UEL
  • Jeani Delgado Paschoal Moura Professora do Centro de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Geociências, Laboratório de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão em Educação Geográfi ca (LEPEEG), Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)



Landscapes, Experience, Trails, Education phenomenological


The act of Teaching Geography, in the perspective phenomenological, assumes an initial work of education of the senses by experience, in which vision, hearing, tact, smell and palate are stimulated through the sensations provided in the fi eld. This research proposes a refl ection on the pedagogical potential of conducting fi eld activities with school, through the trails in ecological parks located in the municipality of Londrina, for. No, where there are remnants of the Atlantic rainforest, second most threatened biome of the world. The intention of the trails is to develop a humanist environmental education by the pathways of perception, feelings and emotions of man during the experimentation landscapes preserved in urbanized environments. The experimentation contributed to the students better understanding the relationships between the content presented in the classroom and the actual application in life. Thus, it was possible to awaken the critical sense as an active subject and not as a spectator of the natural medium transformations occurring within the space that dwells.


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How to Cite

Paschoal, W. A. ., & Delgado Paschoal Moura, . J. . (2022). LANDSCAPES EXPERIENCED IN THE TRAILS OF EDUCATION PHENOMENOLOGICAL. Space and Geography Journal, 21(1), 167–194.


