
  • Jorge Malheiros Centro de Estudos Geográfi cos - Instituto de Geografi a e Ordenamento do Território
  • Bárbara Ferreira Centro de Estudos Geográfi cos - Instituto de Geografi a e Ordenamento do Território
  • Marina Carreiras Centro de Estudos Geográfi cos - Instituto de Geografi a e Ordenamento do Território
  • Anselmo Amilcar Centro de Estudos Geográfi cos - Instituto de Geografi a e Ordenamento do Território
  • Rita Raposo SOCIUS/CSG - Centro de Investigação em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão da Universidade de Lisboa



vulnerability, urban integration, social housing neighbourhoods, Greater Lisbon


The structural changes that have occurred in recent decades have brought new forms of social vulnerability associated with increased risks in the economic, social, political, cultural, demographic and ecological spheres. The globalization of post-Fordist accumulation model and the erosion of modes of regulation and social protection of Western societies after the “Thirty Glorious”, further accentuated the vulnerability of some social groups face to the negative externalities of capitalism. In this context, the spatial nexus plays a key role in particular with regard to “City making” (Harvey, 1989: 3). Segregation (at the level of the neighbourhood, but also at the micro scale of the street or block), exclusion and even expulsion (Sassen, 2014) of poor, immigrants and ethnic minorities are common phenomena in contemporary cities, and result from an uneven model of (urban) development, based on the hegemony of economic and fi nancial power and also on economism as a political mandate of urban ‘governance’. It follows that the operation of the real estate and housing markets as well as their support policies are crucial vectors of analysis for the identifi cation of exclusion areas marked by the over-representation of people with a lack of economic, political and symbolic resources. Considering this, the present article seeks to assess the issues of social vulnerability and urban integration of social housing neighbourhoods in Lisbon, providing clues to theoretical refl ection and eventual practical intervention. The structure is divided into four parts: 1) presentation of the concept of social vulnerability and some of the problems usually associated with the promotion of public housing; 2) brief description of housing policies in Portugal; 3) analysis of the concrete situation of the social housing projects of the Greater Lisbon regarding its social vulnerability and urban integration; 4) discussion of the main fi ndings, limitations and potential of this exercise as a contribution to the social debate and the political intervention.


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How to Cite

Malheiros, J. ., Ferreira, B. ., Carreiras, M. ., Amilcar, A., & Raposo, R. . (2022). VULNERABILITY AND URBAN INTEGRATION IN SOCIAL HOUSING NEIGHBORHOODS OF GREATER LISBON: AN EMPIRICAL AND CONCEPTUAL APPROACH. Space and Geography Journal, 19(1), 185–237.


