city, housing policy, housing marketAbstract
The problem which is demonstrated in our research is the contradiction and tension between the actions promoted by public policy and the interests of fi nancial private sector in relation to social policies, especially for housing. The city’s fi nancial crisis produces the need for restructuring of places creating new housing arrangements in the poorest neighborhoods, which are being transformed into new city’s expansion vectors by the government and by the capital, which generate the deepening of socio-spatial segregation. The density of peripheral cities is done by the rehabilitation of the urban space and refi nement of housing in best condominiums. The methodology analyzed the production of housing, in Brasília (Distrito Federal), and the new forms of articulation between the public and fi nancial sectors for the construction of houses by government’s programs for housing, such as “Minha Casa Minha Vida”, and the real estate market of housing implemented by the “Show de Morar” which have a great impact on the conditions of social and spatial reproduction of the residents of the place.
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