suicide, homicide, sociodemographic variables, ecological studyAbstract
Suicide and homicide are known public health problem. The objective was to evaluate correlations between suicide, homicide and sociodemographic variables through an ecological study. Mortality and sociodemographic data were collected from the Ministry of Health and the National Census, aggregated by micro-regions. The data were analyzed using correlation and multiple linear regression. Suicide rates for the total population, men and women were 5.7; 9.0 and 2.4 per 100 000 inhabitants, respectively. Suicide rates for the total population were higher in the central and southern regions. The suicide ranged from 1.2 (Nanuque) to 16.3 (Diamantina). Homicide rates for the total population, men and women were 18.6; 33.6 and 4.0 per 100 000, respectively. The homicide rates for the total population ranged from 1.9 (Sao Lourenço) to 41.8 (Mantena). The highest rates occur in the northwest and northeast regions. Among men, suicide and homicide were negatively correlated (r -0.28, p<0.05). Different sociodemographic variables were found to be associated with suicide and homicide in the regressions. Suicide showed a spatial pattern suggesting that it is related to high socioeconomic status. Homicide presented the inverse spatial pattern. New researches at different levels and states are needed to elucidate these phenomena.
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