
  • Susianne Gomes da Conceição Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM) Av. General Rodrigo Octávio Jordão Ramos, 3000, Campus Universitário, Coroado I - Manaus/Amazonas. Fone: 3305-4112.
  • Sandra do Nascimento Noda Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM) Av. General Rodrigo Octávio Jordão Ramos, 3000, Campus Universitário, Coroado I - Manaus/Amazonas. Fone: 3305-4112



cities, sustainable agriculture, urban expansion, public politics


The objective this study was to determine which processes of space producing that insert agriculture in the context of the urban expansion in Manaus. The article had as case study areas vegetables in the Cidade de Deus society, located in the New City district, North zone of the Manaus city. The problem went away the following question: How does urbanization affect the agricultural production in Manaus? From there, it was appointed as hypothesis that the urbanization expands on the agricultural production due to lack of planning by the government to maintain such spaces in the city. The strategy consisted of the systemic approach in order to study the subject in its entirety. About the research method, the case study was seen as the most suitable for understanding the problem. The subjects comprised 10 farmers, covering the whole area under study. It was found that the processes of production of space that insert the agricultural production in the context of urbanization are the demographic expansion and the creation/expansion of public roads in Manaus. The human occupation in the vicinity of agricultural areas may decrease the space vegetables production; a fact that poses risks to the farmer. The creation and expansion of roads, beyond causing decreased crop space, can impact in the quantity and quality production. In contrast, workers believe that agriculture could expand with urbanization prevailing in Manaus because a higher demand for vegetables in the face of population growth.


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How to Cite

Gomes da Conceição, S., & do Nascimento Noda, S. (2022). SPACE AND CITY: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AGRICULTURE AND URBANIZATION IN MANAUS/AM. Space and Geography Journal, 14(2), 279:304.


