
  • Adriano Bittencourt Andrade Doutor pela Universidade Federal da Bahia Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo


Tourism, Space of tourism, Cultural Immersion, Massive tourism, Agents of production


This article presents a series of reflections on the production of the space. It comes with the idea that the tourist space is an explanation reduction of the totality which is the geographic space, reflect and conditionals of the social affairs. In our contemporaneity time some carried on in a continuous massification of the tourism that, far from the individual interests of the tourist citizen, gained a economical dimension fundamental to the cities, regions and countries. The tourism visibility of the spaces in search of these massive fluxes of tourists (clients/consumers) hide the spaces turn them on imitations of the real mithfication and multiple scenarios that run to the interests of the hegemonious agents of the production in building the structure of these territories of the tourism. On the other hand, this article brings about as an alternative form in making tourism a cultural immersion activity. It changes the relation with the space, and consequently, the meaning of the living from a more authentic experience with the unknown.


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How to Cite

Bittencourt Andrade, A. . (2022). TOURIST SPACE: BETWEEN IMMERSION AND SCENARIO . Space and Geography Journal, 15(1), 91–114. Retrieved from


