place, identity, school, mediation, citizenshipAbstract
The objective of this paper is to present the importance of culture, place, personal knowledge and spatial awareness as factors in individual’s identity in his group, in a world characterized by globalization of the economy. The specifics of this situation justify the adoption of different attitudes in the teaching-learning relationship, since the changes in socialization patterns trigger new forms of mediation, including the different practices that emerge and change, so too, the ways to build knowledge and practices of teaching and learning. In this context, the school resizes its importance and significance in opening a different world for students and establishing relations between the known, own, place and social memory of the group, with the valuation of other skills aimed at building participants and critics citizens. Thus, the understanding that the place is the real space of people’s lives and shapes their spatial awareness enables the proposition of guided teaching practices on knowledge of each one. This is important because it allows the teacher to teach a way of seeing reality, which is directly related to the formation of citizenship. Thus, in the act of mediation, to explore the contents of the knowledge of the group from certain procedures, and from there to prepare a concept, the teacher will be contributing to the formation of the citizen.
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