ecological tourism, sustainable development, environmentalAbstract
The sustainable development and the environment are basic for the delimitation of the paper of the ecoturismo in programs of development, added to the different strategies used for the equitable and ambiently correct evolution. This study it objectified to carry through the survey of the tourist potentiality of the city of Sairé-PE, being registered and evaluating attractive the natural ones, the basic and tourist infrastructure. For the accomplishment of the inventory, that served of base for the survey of the tourist potential, it was followed methodology used for the EMPETUR had collected the data through research and visits “in loco”. Simultaneously, it was felt necessity to infer suggestions of action for the locality. After the collection of data, perceived the existing tourist potential expressive in the locality, being distinguished the existing waterfalls and popular manifestations. Also if it perceived that the inventory of the tourist potentiality of Sairé will be able to serve of base for the elaboration of a plan of tourist development for the city.
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