geography of music, culture and spatial data distribution, cultural landscapeAbstract
Music is a relevant cultural manifestation in society and an important influence in the typically hybrid identities of people and places. Thus, attention to the role of music by human geographers is increasing in recent years with different emphasis and research topics. Despite the mapping is a way of uncovering pattern and process in the cultural landscape; the works neglected the music mapping and tend to be more descriptive. The difficulty of mapping music is because of its characteristics: cultural expression not materialized ephemeral disposition and absence of exact limits. This paper aims to identify a spatial distribution of musical events in Distrito Federal of Brazil. The methodology can be subdivided in following steps: (a) data acquisition from the journal “Correio Brasiliense”; (b) data processing; and (c) spatial distribution using SIG. The music distribution in the satellite cities of Distrito Federal considered not only the cost of the tickets but also their location and temporal variation in space. The methodology enables to understand spatial distribution of musical events as the cultural differentiation between center and sub-center. It also made possible the configuration of spaces devoted to local culture construction and diffusion.
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