State Institute of Forests, public administration, Units of Conservation, co-administration of UC, systems of partnershipsAbstract
Conservation Units (UC) are especially protected areas for the protection of natural resources. Minas Gerais state shelter various UC created by the various levels of government. This study aimed to identify and discuss aspects of management currently undertaken by the State System of Protected Areas of Minas Gerais (SEAP), as well as its advances, trends and obstacles, especially related to: cycle management and monitoring of results, levels of strategic management and operational; agreement results, the State Program for Results; Deployment System Management of Protected Areas - SIGAP, planning tools, relationship to the community and popular participation, human resources policy, management shared, policy cost and financing activities and bottlenecks of the process of managing the State System of Protected Areas - SEAP. The methodology used was a semi-structured interviews and questionnaires applied to all managers of UC. The results showed that the use of planning tools and management of SEAP were effective in the opinion of managers. However, they were still appointed, as limitations of the efficiency of the management of UC, the lack of infrastructure and human resources. Co-management of UC with partner institutions shows to be appropriate and promising.
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