remote sensing, GIS, landscape, landuse, ALOSAbstract
The West Region of Bahia state had a strong expansion of the agricultural sector since the 1970s, completely changing the natural landscape. This rapid change and intense land use has produced impacts in the permanent preservation areas (APP) and native vegetation fragmentation. This work aims to evaluate the permanent preservation areas of rio Branco basin, identifying areas with soil misuse, but also to verify the effects of forest fragmentation. In this work, were used panchromatic sensor PRISM / ALOS images with high spatial resolution (2.5 meters), acquired in 2008. The methodology can be subdivided into the following steps: (a) ALOS image processing, (b) elaboration of land use map, (c) delimitation of permanent preservation areas, and (d) calculation of metrics fragments of native vegetation. To calculate metric fragments was utilized FRAGSTATS software considering two scenarios: (a) current situation, and (b) with the preserved APP. The total APP area is 583.59 km ², in which 48.28 km² was soil misuse. Considering the ideal scenario with the total APPs area being preserved, the forest area presents the follow changes: (a) the number of fragments decreases from 338 to 187 and (b) the average size of the fragments increase significantly.
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