
  • Flávia Abreu Felsemburgh Laboratório de Histologia Animal e Comparada, ICB – UFRJ; Curso de PósGraduação em Biologia Humana e Experimental - UERJ
  • Lycia de Brito Gitirana Laboratório de Histologia Animal e Comparada, ICB – UFRJ



Proceratophrys, integument, morphology


Despite the diverse of anuran species which occur in the Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos (PARNASO), little is known about their integument morphology. Based on this fact, this study was carried out in order to provide the morphological characterization of the female integument of Proceratophrys boiei which occurs in PARNASO. The results showed that female integument is formed by an epidermis and a dermis which is subdivided by a spongious layer and a compact layer. In the epidermis, the keratinocyte predominate and is responsible for general organization of the keratinized stratifies squamous epithelium. Beside keratinocytes flask cells also occur. The integument roughness is due to the epidermic cornea layer and to the keratinized tubercles. Mixed, granular, and lipidic exocrine glands occur in the spongious dermis. The mixed glands are formed by mucous and serous cells; the granular glands have a granular acidophilic intake. Thus, the female integument show similarities to the male integument of P. boiei, and does not reveal sexual dimorphism.


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How to Cite

Abreu Felsemburgh, F., & de Brito Gitirana, L. . (2022). MORPHOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF FEMALE TEGUMENT OF PROCERATOPHRYS BOIEI . Space and Geography Journal, 11(1), 59–72.


