preliminary risk analysis, PHA, PARNASO, ecoturismAbstract
The objective of this study was to identify, analyze, evaluate and handle the risks associated to visitors in trails of Serra dos Órgãos National Park using the Preliminary Risk Analysis (PRA). Two trails were analyzed: Mozart Catão-Alexandre Oliveira trail and Suspensa trail. In the first one, it was identified five events that offers potential risks of accidents to its users: poisonous animals bites, torsion, users falls, sliding and tree falls. The first three events offer more risks to users. In the Suspensa trail, it was identified three events: torsion, users fall and sliding. Users fall and sliding were the most hazardous ones. The regular and systematic analysis of the trails using the PRA is an instrument that can contribute for the development of a management plan for the trail, preventing incidents or accidents with users.
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