Hydrogeology, Rio Preto watershed, Hydrogeologic ZonningAbstract
The Rio Preto watershed is situated in a region with strong climatic contrast where there are many districts which economy is based on agriculture-business. Such reasons justify the development of studies regarding the water production and physical parameters related to the aquifers that compose the basin. The ground water is configured as an important alternative source to the coming provisioning of rivers and other courses of water, could be destined to the most varied uses. The geology and soils data, through mapping field works, associates to geomorphology information, climatic aspects, and the register of wells information, allowed the elaboration of the map of hydrogeologic zoning of the region. In that zoning there were defined eight potential and functionally different aquifers systems, of which three are referred to the Group of Shallow Aquifers and the remaining five are regarding the Group of Deep Aquifers. Based on the data presented in this paper it is waited that the management and the planning of the use of the ground water can aid the rural population, especially, to obtain more successes in their domestic and commercial production.
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