Glycine max, rock fertilizer, nutritional status, alternative fertilizer, potassium fertilizer, multi-nutrient fertilizerAbstract
The aim of this work was to evaluate the residual efficiency of ground rocks as multi-nutrient fertilizers on the development and nutritional status of the soybean cultivated after sunflower, under greenhouse conditions. Treatments were displayed in a factorial scheme (2 soils x 6 potassium sources), in a completely randomized blocks design with four replications. Two soybean BRS 232 plants were grown in pots containing 3 kg of two soils, a Rhodic Hapludox and an Ustoxic Quartzipsamment. Besides a control treatment (without potassium), the sources, volcanic sandstone, alkaline breccia, carbonatite, biotite schist, alkaline ultramaphic, and potassium chloride, as the standard fertilizer source, were applied in a rate of 150 mg kg-1 of K2 O, before the first crop sowing. At the full bloom stage, shoot dry matter yield and macro and micronutrients concentration in soybean tissues were evaluated. Alkaline ultramaphic and biotite schist rocks showed the highest residual agronomic efficiencies to dry matter yield of soybean. The rock sources presented differences in the capacity to supply nutrients for crops as a function of their mineralogical composition. The rocks act like multinutrient fertilizers and this characteristic must be considered in the fertilization program.
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