biosolubilization, A niger, ultramafic alkaline rock, flogopititeAbstract
Silicatic rocks containing considerable flogopite and/or biotite amounts can be used as potassium sources in production systems under conventional and organic managements, but the availability of elements for the soil requires long periods of time. Reports have pointed out favorably to the usage of microorganisms in biosolubilization of phosphate rocks, especially the fungus Aspergillus niger, which has been described as effective in this process due to the acid production. This work aimed to evaluate the action of A. niger in the solubilization of two rocks for potassium release through biotechnological process. An alkaline ultramafic rock collected in Lages, Santa Catarina, and a flogopitite collected in Carnaíba, Bahia, containing 3.32% and 5.13% of K2 O, respectively, were used. In vitro experiments were performed in 250 ml-erlenmeyers flasks with 50 ml of a potassium-lacking culture medium, in triplicate, using the following treatments: fungus + culture medium, rock powder + culture medium, and fungus + rock powder + culture medium. Medium acidification has brought about increase in the potassium solubilization rate; with 21 days of cultivation, the rate was higher when alkaline ultramafic rock was used (1.52 cmolc /dm3 ) than flogopitite (0.52 cmolc /dm3 ). Values of medium pH oscilated in rock powder treatments and there was not potassium solubilization during the first seven days of cultivation with A. niger and flogopitite.
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