
  • Adriana Allen Director Environmental Planning and Management Programme, Development Planning Unit, University College London.


Urban environmental planning and management, sustainability, governance


It is increasingly recognised that urban environmental planning and management (EPM) needs to address the challenge of sustainability. This is in order to ensure that gains in urban development made now do not result in cities that will need radical restructuring in the future because of their unsustainable resource demands and externalisation of environmental problems. Whilst the general reasons for focusing attention on this argument are easily stated, when looked at in more detail, it is evident that the operationalisation of consistent strategies to address the challenge of urban sustainability demands a radical transformation of the conventional assumptions and practice of urban environmental planning and management. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the content of such transformation, examining possible approaches to urban EPM.


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How to Cite

Allen, A. (2022). URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT REVIEWED FROM A SUSTAINABILITY PERSPECTIVE: REFORM OR TRANSFORMATION?. Space and Geography Journal, 5(2), 1–34. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/espacoegeografia/article/view/39673


