Promoting critical literacy

the case of promotional materials for burgers


  • George Jacobs James Cook University
  • Denise Dillon James Cook University


Letramento crítico; alimento à base de planta; sanduíches; ensino de língua; análise crítica do discurso.


This paper explains what critical literacy is, why it should be included in the teaching of languages, and how to include critical literacy in language education. An example of doing critical literacy is provided via a pilot study of a critical analysis of promotional materials for burgers, both burgers made from animals killed for their meat and burgers made from plant based ingredients. The burger analysis project is described in detail, including the texts and images analysed. Also, the authors offer suggestions on how to implement five pedagogic principles relevant to the learning of critical literacy and to education generally. These principles are: students should be active learners; students should have some input into what they study and how they study it; tasks should be doable for students yet involve some challenge; students should have opportunities to interact with peers and others; and learning should contribute to making the world a better place.



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Author Biography

George Jacobs, James Cook University

Doctor en Lingüística por la Universidad de Brasilia. Maestro en Letras y Lingüística por la Universidad Federal de Goiás (UFG), posee graduación en Letras por la misma institución. Integra el Núcleo de Estudios en Ecolingística e Imaginario (NELIM).


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How to Cite

Jacobs, G., & Dillon, D. (2019). Promoting critical literacy: the case of promotional materials for burgers. Ecolinguística: Revista Brasileira De Ecologia E Linguagem (ECO-REBEL), 5(1), 16–27. Retrieved from


