A Ópera está morta! Viva a Ópera! A Revitalização da Ópera no Distrito Federal


  • Janette Dornellas Universidade de Brasília




Opera, opera studio, vocal technique, acting technique, opera production, FAC/DF, AOB/DF, SEC/DF, Mozart, Menotti, Puccini, Ulmann, Britten, Donizetti.


This article presents a brief history of the history of the opera in the Federal District, mentioning people and events that were significant in this process. For a better understanding of the text, in topic 2 we will talk about the scenic and vocal demands of operatic art. In topics 3 and 4 we will talk about the importance of the public subsidy for the opera around the world and the challenges of producing quality operas with little money. In the Conclusion, we have covered a bit of the history of the FAC’s support (Supporting Found for Culture) and how the edits have been changing and adapting more and more to reality. We also did a survey of the opera’s production between the years 2011 to 2016 with the support of the FAC, Supporting Found for Culture, with a number of operas performed and values made available.


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Author Biography

Janette Dornellas, Universidade de Brasília

Cantora Lírica, Doutoranda do PPG-Arte da Universidade de Brasília.


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How to Cite

Dornellas, J. (2016). A Ópera está morta! Viva a Ópera! A Revitalização da Ópera no Distrito Federal. Dramaturgies, 1(2-3). https://doi.org/10.26512/dramaturgias.v1i2-3.8746