O poeta-músico Anacreonte e a política dos prazeres e do bem estar


  • José Roberto de Paiva Gomes UERJ




anacreon, musical education, athens, tyranny, lifestyle.


nacreon of teos, in the tyranny of hipparchus, in athens, developed a model of musicality (lyrikos) characterized, like sappho of lesbos, as love poetry. We will discuss the anacreontic symposium as a cultural policy (the habrosyne). We will discuss how adornments, songs and accompaniments describe a loving, sensual and erotic discourse and an ideal model of a guest. Tyranny developed interest in culture, the cult of youth and the happy life.


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Author Biography

José Roberto de Paiva Gomes, UERJ

Doutor pelo PPGHC-UFRJ e Pós-Doutor pelo PPGH-UERJ e professor-colaborador do CEHAM-NEA-UERJ)


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How to Cite

Gomes, J. R. de P. (2023). O poeta-músico Anacreonte e a política dos prazeres e do bem estar. Dramaturgies, (22), 523–537. https://doi.org/10.26512/dramaturgias22.48363