The City and the Theater in Knights of Aristophanes: The Poet and the Politician ”“ Introduction to Knights Translation
Knights. Aristophanes. Poet. Politician.Abstract
The play Cavaleiros, by Aristophanes, dates from 424 B.C. and is the most political comedy among those that remain of the playwright, therefore it is also the most political of ancient Greek comedy. The play's plot is a dispute, or agon, between a slave (the Barraqueiro, who represents the demagogue Cléon), recently bought by the People, personified as the boss, and a sausage seller (the Vendetripa, which we suggest representing the comic Poet), by the leadership of Athens. The rivalry and antagonism between Vendetripa and Barraqueiro hide identity and duplication of each other. The People of Athens is the prey disputed by both, who use impudence and malice to get the government of the polis. But in the end, Vendetripa proves to be a true friend of the People, while Barraqueiro only pretends to have a love for the People, to get rich. We translate the names of the characters emphasizing their characteristics as market vendors: Vendetripa, Barraqueiro, Bom de Feira, Zeus Feirante.
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