the press as a weapon in 1838: o desenjoativo teatral vs. atalaia nacional dos teatros


  • Rita Martins Universidade de Lisboa



Newspapers. 19th-century. O Desenjoativo Teatral. Atalaia Nacional dos Teatros.


The strong impact of theatre on the 19th century’s social and political life, connected with the "explosion" of the Portuguese press, leads to the expansion of theatre and performing arts periodicals. Although today's research does not neglect to consult the periodical literature, these sources are not usually questioned. On the other hand, the distrust of historiography constrains a fertile discussion about journalistic production as a useful resource.

This article focuses on the rivalry of two newspapers, both founded in 1838: O Desenjoativo Teatral: Jornal Recreativo e Moral (Lisbon, June to September, 16 issues) and Atalaia Nacional dos Teatros (Lisbon, June 28 to August 26, 18 issues). If the former promotes Teatro do Salitre, improved by actor Dias with the support of António Feliciano de Castilho, the second makes the defence of Teatro da Rua dos Condes and its director Émile Doux, and is favoured by Almeida Garrett’s collaboration. We propose an analysis of the debate about the national theatre restoration through the journalistic discourse, considering these newspapers as a vehicle of information and as a tool for manipulation. The radical antagonism between the two newspapers, which gives rise to a "theatrical riot" in the press, clarifies the discursive strategies of the polemicists. The study leads to a few considerations about the journalistic movement as a passionate witness and as a memory of the passions that underlie and affect historical events.


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How to Cite

Martins, R. (2019). the press as a weapon in 1838: o desenjoativo teatral vs. atalaia nacional dos teatros. Dramaturgies, (12), 14–29.