O que cabe na panela? Representações linguístico-discursivas em contexto político


  • Eni Abadia Batista Universidade de Brasília
  • Juliana Ferreira Vassolér Universidade de Brasília




This article presents the analysis of visual representations as a central element of intertextuality in the publications of media magazines and discusses how discourses, even if permeated by metaphors, contribute to the construction of social representations and identities. The methodology is qualitative (descriptive and interpretive) and the analysis focuses on a corpus consisting of a text selected from publications published in May 2016, in the newspaper "ACapa". It is a newspaper whose characteristic is a first and only page, in which it condenses the news in title and images. For the study, the assumptions of the Critical Discourse Analysis (ADC), (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003), the Social Actors Theory (van LEEUWEN, 1997) and the Social Semiotics (KRESS, 2010) and the concepts of metaphor (LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 2002). The results show that the analyzed text carries the marks of ideologies that convey relations of power, both of the producers of the text and the recipients. It brings information that has material consequences, as it mobilizes and makes social provocations, besides suggesting an identification of the reader with the represented social class. Identity, in this way, absorbs aspects of the context and suggests the existence of empowerment and political consciousness of the middle class, even though it is neglected. According to the assumptions of the Grammar of Visual Design, the text exposes a conceptual representation through a visual metaphor portrayed by a pot that shows attributes and identities marked by the sociopolitical context.


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How to Cite

Batista, E. A., & Vassolér, J. F. (2018). O que cabe na panela? Representações linguístico-discursivas em contexto político. Discursos Contemporâneos Em Estudo, 3(1), 91–112. https://doi.org/10.26512/discursos.v3i1.2018/8640


