Legislação e inclusão educacional à luz da ADC


  • Candice Assunção Universidade de Brasília




Ideology. Discourse. Inclusion.


In this work, we analyze the Ideology present in some legal landmarks of the inclusive education and the discourse of some teachers about this perspective in Education. This work tries to understand the reasons of the resistance in the execution of the inclusive perspective. Thus being, when analyzing the present ideology in these legal texts is intended here to promote a reflection on the difficulties of the implantation of this proposal. This research is based on the qualitative methods and use the theories and the methods of analysis of the speech of Fairclough (2001 and 2003), as well as the theories on Ideology of Thompson (1995). These approaches interact and serve here as a support to understand the elaboration and the interpretation of the legal text that provides the foundations of the inclusive education.


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How to Cite

Assunção, C. (2011). Legislação e inclusão educacional à luz da ADC. Discursos Contemporâneos Em Estudo, 1(1), 205–225. https://doi.org/10.26512/discursos.v1i1.0/8279


