Entrelugares: o professor universitário frente às novas tecnologias de ensino


  • Eni Abadia Batista Universidade de Brasília




Between places. Discourse. Education Technologies. Identity.


This article presents reflections concerning the practical discoursive that happen in the constitution of the identity of the university professor, in front of the demand for the use of new technologies in superior education. Such quarrel is born of the examination of practical dialogues as part of the social ones, inside of fits of Fairclough (2001). With the transformations that occur in the world, it is natural that one adopts a new form to produce social life, that consequently generate also new conceptions of the involved citizens in the education process. These are changes that reflect in the individualization of the references, determining what Bhabha (1998) calls “between places.” The question of the identity is based on the Social Theory of the Speech of Fairclough (the 2001), who
defends the mobility of the identities, according to the social practical moment ”“ that is, social citizens are molded by the practical discursive, but they are also capable to remodel these practical.
The methodology, of qualitative character, was opted to the clipping election of interview carried
through with professors of the course of Letters and observation of discursive events in situation of
use of the new technologies of education for development of the activities that compose the



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How to Cite

Batista, E. A. (2011). Entrelugares: o professor universitário frente às novas tecnologias de ensino. Discursos Contemporâneos Em Estudo, 1(1), 143–161. https://doi.org/10.26512/discursos.v1i1.0/8275


