Padrões de design de mobiliário e de composição do quarto infantil


  • Julia Pereira Soares PUC-Rio
  • Carlos Eduardo Felix da Costa PUC-Rio


mobiliario infantil, design de interiores, quarto do bebê, conceito de infância


The purpose of this article is to identify the current furniture design patterns and compositions that have been established for children's bedrooms in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The research was based on the collection and analysis of data about children's furniture offered by manufacturers of this category. Starting from the understanding that the concept of childhood is a social construct, we weave the history of the emergence of this idea in western society, relating it to furniture aimed at this age group. Analysis of the results reveals the equipment considered essential; the predominant aesthetic aspects; the influence of Maria Montessori's method and the development of playful and multifunctional furniture, in addition to discussing its implications. It is also noteworthy that the subdivision of childhood into different phases represents an opportunity for both the production and consumption of differentiated furniture and may lead to functional obsolescence of children´s bedroom


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How to Cite

Pereira Soares, J., & Felix da Costa, C. E. (2024). Padrões de design de mobiliário e de composição do quarto infantil. Revista De Design, Tecnologia E Sociedade, 11(2). Retrieved from