UX and UI Design: “Zoom” Educational Platform Case Study


  • Beatriz Loris Tinoco Fonseca UFAM-Universidade Federal do Amazonas
  • Giovanna Maria Barbosa Guimas
  • Karla Mazarelo Maciel Pacheco


ux design, ui design, educational platform, zoom


As a result of the COVID-19 virus, educational platforms have become essential for distance education, one of which being the object of study, Zoom. In this context, this article intends to investigate through an exploratory, descriptive and applied research, based on the Munari Method applied in UX/UI Design which is based on the studies of Nielsen and Norman, in order to make the user experience more pleasant, added to the application of a questionnaire directed at UFAM students and professors to express their opinion about the object of study. In this way, it was possible to understand the pains of the users and the main functions of the platform, thus making it possible to define the necessary adjustments in the interface. As a solution, a mockup was developed, showing how the application of UX/UI design concepts can make the interaction of teachers and students with educational platforms simpler.



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How to Cite

Loris Tinoco Fonseca, B., Maria Barbosa Guimas, G., & Mazarelo Maciel Pacheco, K. (2023). UX and UI Design: “Zoom” Educational Platform Case Study. Revista De Design, Tecnologia E Sociedade, 9(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/design-tecnologia-sociedade/article/view/41920