Reflexões sobre ética na relação design-artesanato
Design, Craftsmanship, EthicsAbstract
In Brazil, there is a valorization of craftsmanship and a propagation of projects that relate design and craftsmanship. In this context, the designer interaction in an artisan community can be problematic. Therefore, the aim of this article is to report the intricacy of this relationship, as well as to raise ethical guidelines so the relationship can be less harmful. For such, a narrative review of the literature was done, selecting in a non-structured way authors in the design field that deal with the relationship between design and craftsmanship, authors that discussed the elements of care ethics and social ethics besides having analysing the codes of conduct of the design to reflect on this relationship. It is noticed that the relationship between design and craftsmanship to be ethical and effective must be based on respect, collaboration and focused on local culture, seeking the emancipation of the craftsman, in addition to having sustainable results.
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