O benefício eventual na LOAS: apontamentos sobre sua identidade e natureza


  • Gisele Aparecida Bovolenta Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)




benefício eventual, direito socioassistencial, Loas, Suas, identidade


This text brings as an object of reflection the eventual benefit
(BE) guaranteed in the Organic Law of Social Assistance, regulated in
1993. It is a social-welfare right under the responsibility of the municipal
entity in cooperation with the federal state, as regards management,
regulation and financing of the Federal District), with the role of the
respective Councils of Social Assistance. Executed in the modalities of
birth and funeral assistance; temporary vulnerability and public calamity,
it is sought, from a theoretical, conceptual and legal analysis, capturing
elements of reality, to make some considerations about the identity and
nature of this benefit, especially considering the incomprehensions in this
field of attention, which sometimes in the margins of Loas and subsequent
legislation. As part of Suas the BE integrates the list of benefits and services
that build the social protection network provided by the social assistance
policy, which reiterates the importance of this debate.


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How to Cite

BOVOLENTA, Gisele Aparecida. O benefício eventual na LOAS: apontamentos sobre sua identidade e natureza. SER Social, Brasília, v. 21, n. 44, p. 179–198, 2019. DOI: 10.26512/ser_social.v21i44.23489. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/SER_Social/article/view/23489. Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.