Capitalism crisis and the social issue: contribuitions to the debate


  • Sandra de Faria PUC Goiás



Crisis of Capitalism. Social Issues.


In the article, reflections on the crisis of capitalism and the social issue articulate elements of the relationship of exploitation of the labor force by capital, with an emphasis on the world socio-histori- cal context of the crisis of capitalism, after 1970, in neoliberalism and productive restructuring, postmodernity and neoconservatism. In the text, the analyzes refer to the ontological foundations of the category of work as a guiding thread for the idea that the social issue within the limits of the bourgeois order is more evident than ever, implying its treatment, albeit brief, from the perspective of human emancipation. The guiding objectives of the article are to think about the essentials of the ideological struggle against social inequalities and class antago- nism, which produce the social issue. Analyze the constitutive social issue of bourgeois society and its expressions, refractions and mani- festations implied in the essentiality of the unequal development of the work process in the capitalist mode of production.


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How to Cite

DE FARIA, Sandra. Capitalism crisis and the social issue: contribuitions to the debate. SER Social, Brasília, v. 24, n. 50, p. 13–31, 2022. DOI: 10.26512/sersocial.v24i50.38808. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.