The Crisis of capital and the refractions of the social issue




Social Question; Structural Crisis; Capitalist State.


This article aims to analyze the refractions of the "social question", in the face of the current capital crisis, observing the new configurations put before neoliberal hegemony. Therefore, at first, a bibliographic review will be made using Marx (2018), Santos (2012) and Netto (2011), seeking to rescue their contributions regarding the "social issue". Later, the article intends to start from the analysis of Mészáros (2011), in his approach on the structural crisis of capital, observing the role that the State will play in this new capitalist stage, and the answers given by him to the manifestations of the "social question". In addition, data from Teixeira and Neves (2018) and Boschetti and Teixeira (2019) will also be used to demonstrate how the capital crisis has deepened in its "ultimate limits" the processes of exploitation of the workforce and production of poverty.


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How to Cite

ALVES, Pâmela Karoline Lins. The Crisis of capital and the refractions of the social issue. SER Social, Brasília, v. 23, n. 48, p. 176–190, 2021. DOI: 10.26512/sersocial.v23i48.30424. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.



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