Frantz Fanon:

capitalism, racism and the sociogenesis of colonialism


  • Deivison Mendes Faustino Universidade Federal de São Paulo



Frantz Fanon; sociogenesis; colonialism; racialization


Frantz Fanon’s analysis of colonialism encompasses both the impact of the social world on the emergence of human senses and identities as well as the individual and collective situations of historical re-signification of the world. However, this approach has been received in a non-consensual way by the specialized literature, hanging over seizures that sometimes emphasize its macro-political and / or economic aspects, or the subjective / psychic and / or cultural aspects of its reflection. In critical contrast to this polarization, this article resumes the Fanonian concept of “sociogenia” and identifies it as the structuring basis of its theoretical proposal. Nevertheless, he argues that this framework points to the reflexive determination between capitalism, colonialism and racism and, above all, to the historical possibility of an emancipatory anticolonial praxis that covers both the objective and the subjective aspects of human existence. In order to base this position, it uses several passages produced by the author throughout his theoretical trajectory.


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How to Cite

FAUSTINO, Deivison Mendes. Frantz Fanon:: capitalism, racism and the sociogenesis of colonialism. SER Social, Brasília, v. 20, n. 42, p. 148–163, 2018. DOI: 10.26512/ser_social.v20i42.14288. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



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